ZEB & COMPANY is registered with government of Pakistan Federal Board of Revenue in 2008.
We are engaged in the production and supply (services) of different kinds of relief goods (Food and Non-food Items).
From the manufacturing of Tents, Tarpaulin, Plastic Mats, Quilts, Blankets, to the supply of all kind of food & non-food items i.e. Hygiene kits/material, Food Packs, NFI Kits, Mosquito Nets, PPEs, Shelter kits, House Hold Kits, Hardware tool kits, Reinforced Plastic Sheets, Kitchen Sets, Jerry canes, Bukhara Stoves, Plastic Pallets, CGI Sheets, Insulation Foam, Furniture, Construction materials, Sanitations Materials, Sweaters, School Uniforms & stationery etc. as well as construction of schools and other construction works like bore holes digging, Hand pumps installation and Tube wells Rehabilitation, etc.
With the support of motivated and trained professionals, we are not only working with national organizations, but also with different multi-national public sector companies. The delivery of better-quality goods and services to buyers is one of our major strengths.
We have worked with different departments of Disaster Management Authority of Pakistan i.e. NDMA, PDMA KP, PDMA Sindh, PDMA Punjab, and FDMA. Along with Government Authorities, we have also worked with different NGOs Like UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO, OXFAM, CRS, CONCERN, ACTED, IOM, ADRA, IRC, NRC, DIAKONE, Plan International, HelpAge, Solidar-Switzerland, Islamic Relief, Relief International and many others Like SPO, GiZ, ACF International, Help Foundation, Asia Foundation, Sungi Development Foundation, JHU, etc.
By giving us an opportunity to serve your esteem organization at best, we assure you a good business relationship and providing you quality services while supplying any food and non-food items. Our professional behavior i.e. business ethics, competitive prices and delivery of goods within specified time are proved to be the best among all suppliers.